Take My Hand...
Hope springs eternal, is a line from an essay by Alexander Pope.
His essay talks about how people continue to have hope, but sadly as if the things hoped for may never come. People want to see better days, but just don’t see how their current terrible or desperate circumstances could ever become anything else.
Lots of people feel this way at some point in their lives, and that is a very sad thing. I used to be one of those people.
I considered myself a positive person who had hope for a better future despite certain obstacles. I was getting by on a day by day basis, but developed some health issues along with some other serious problems. Eventually, my situation had become desperate and because of physical and mental pain, I wasn’t able to see or think clearly. I didn’t even have enough faith to think God could or would help me, so I lost all hope and tried to end my life.
While in the midst of doing so, I spoke to God and told Him I was sorry about how my life turned out and that I couldn’t tolerate the pain anymore. I asked Him to forgive me for what I was doing. That was nearly twenty years ago. I found out the tiniest bit of faith I had to speak those words to God was enough to save me and completely change my life. I should have died. Instead, I woke up and wondered how that was possible, because there was no one around to help me. I no longer had the intense pain, and I knew and could feel that God was keeping me around for a reason unknown to me.
Now I’m a published author of faith-based books and I know I have a specific purpose in God’s plan. God has given me a passion for reaching out to help children and to give them hope. Even though I knew about the life of Jesus, as a kid, I never fully understood that my very identity was rooted in Christ. This meant I had access to all the same gifts and abilities as Jesus to help me be successful in all areas of my life. I was also never taught that because of Jesus’ finished work at the cross, I could talk to and hear directly from God through the Holy Spirit. I’m able to help others now, because of the lessons He has taught me over the years.
It didn’t happen as quickly as I would have liked, but there are reasons for that. All the bad stuff that happened to me didn’t happen in one day, and so to understand how I got to that place and how not to go there again, I had to be a student of the Holy Spirit. I’ll always be a grateful student. I’m a lifer! … I’m doing life with Jesus! That is a joyful blessing.
If you are, or someone you know is, a person facing any type of struggle or serious problem, no matter how horrible it is, please believe me when I tell you that God hears and answers all prayers. Just use that tiny seed of faith He planted in you and ask Him to help. See that His mighty hand is already holding yours.
He may not give you the exact answer you want, or exactly when you want it, but that’s because He knows all the details about what’s on the road ahead of you, and you do not. He sees everything and knows what you need and it will be a blessing if you don’t give up. Learn to have patience and let God work it out for your benefit.
Remind yourself each day of God’s love for you by reading or watching or listening to something Bible based. Listen to some worship music. Did you know worship music comes in every genre? Pop, Rock, Rap, Metal, Bluegrass, Country, R&B or traditional tunes, can be an uplifting source of inspiration, and there’s an app for that!
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are forever good, merciful, forgiving, and will help you if you will ask.
Please ask…
For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not; I will help you!
Isaiah 41:13 AMPC
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
