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  • Writer's pictureJ.A.Abele

Winds of Change...

There’s a saying, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” It’s a natural phenomenon that happens every year.

In early March, strong winds come in, because dead things need to be shaken off, stirred up, and moved around. Towards the end of the month, the winds settle down, becoming a gentle breeze. March winds have well prepared the grounds for April rains to invigorate the environment and bring forth new life.

What God does in nature, He also does in our lives, bringing about change and new opportunities.

It often occurs just as we’re getting used to a calm season, when suddenly, here comes a storm wreaking havoc in our circumstances. Even though God didn't send the storm, He will get you through it.

Just as earthly seasons are temporary, the temporal seasons of our lives bring about spiritual growth and will leave us in a higher place of refuge, well prepared for blessings which the Lord has already destined for us.

God has greater and happier plans for us than we can imagine, but it’s important to keep our focus on Him, during those dark, dismal days and also on days filled with brilliant sunshine.

Whatever season you’re in, God’s grace is sufficient to weather any storms in your life.

Keep the faith. Springtime will come!

Photo by Ivan Diaz on Unsplash



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