You, I Love...
Every year when Valentine’s Day rolls around, people make a point of giving a gift to their sweetheart. It’s all well and good to make a special effort for the one you love, because in the everyday business of life, we sometimes take each other for granted.
It feels good when someone lets us know they love us, care about us and we matter to them.
What about the ones who are without a sweetheart?
The elderly, widowed, single parents, orphaned children, homeless people and others, who may feel rejected, on such a day, meant to celebrate love.
The good news is we have the love of God and as believers in Christ; we’re adopted into His eternal family.
He does not reject us and, in truth, He wants to give us the desires of our heart. His love does not wait for a special day to hug you. God is love, and He is with you right now, letting you know He hears your prayers, knows your hopes and dreams and is working them out better than you might imagine.
True Love does not consider race, color, gender, sinner, saint or outward appearance.
In Christ, we are one in spirit.
On Valentine’s Day and every other day, God sees your heart and says, “You, I love!”
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7
Photo by Chandan Chaurasia on Unsplash